WaterCAD 2024 Help

Edit “If” Condition Dialog


From the Controls Editor click the Edit Composite dropdown and choose Edit “If” Action.


This dialog allows you to edit conditions (for specifying when something should happen for a control).

The toolbar along the top of the dialog provides the following tools: New and Delete.
  • New – Create a new condition.
  • Delete [Del] – Delete the selected conditions.
    Note: You cannot delete the first condition in the table (controls must have at least one condition).

Refer to the Controls Editor – Columns topic for more information.

Adding a new condition

  1. Click the New toolbar button to add a new condition.
  2. Fill out the condition fields:
    1. In the If Type column choose System or Element.
      1. If you chose Element use the If Element field to interactively select an element from the drawing (e.g., a Tank).
    2. Specify the If Setting, If Operator, and If Value.
  3. When you add subsequent conditions to the table you can choose AND/OR as the logical operator in the first column.
    When specifying AND and OR operators in a composite condition, the OR operator takes precedence.

    Note: IF a OR b AND c

    is interpreted as:

    IF (a OR b) AND c

    If the condition should be interpreted as shown below, define two controls that perform the same action.

    IF a OR (b AND c)